If I could sum up 2022 in one word, it would be gratitude.
Gratitude for our members, families, kids, and community partners who remain connected and committed to bettering themselves and their communities.
Gratitude for volunteers who support our vision, mission, and leadership which allows us to move, pivot, and meet the needs of those we serve.
But mostly, gratitude for a team of employees who not only show up each day ready to serve, but also who have shown they are willing to support and sacrifice for one another. I have seen staff put aside their own to-do lists to jump in and help support the front desk staff at our fitness facilities. I have watched staff work extra-long days because they spend time supporting our Child & Youth Development staff at the school locations providing our youth with homework support, outdoor activities, and more, and then go back to their desks to finish their tasks.
And finally gratitude for another year/opportunity to bless each other and those we serve.
Jeff McBride, YMCA of Orange County CEO

Thank you to all our donors!
Your donations enable us to support those in need.
100% of the donations are used to support our purpose and strengthen communities!
Leaders Circle
David & Pat Lamb
Silver Triangle $50,000 +
Dale L. Dykema Trust
Red Triangle $25,000 +
Bluebird Legacy, Inc.
Lamb Family Foundation
PEMA Southern California Chapter
PwC Charitable Foundation
The Crean Foundation
YMCA of the USA
FOUNDER $10,000 +
Adventure Guides – Rising Sun Expedition
Confidence Foundation, Greg Custer, Whittier Trust
O.L. Halsell Foundation
Dorothy Arens Ressel Trust
Edward Miller, Jr.
Farmers & Merchants Bank, Long Beach
Kaiser Aluminum Fabricated Products, LLC
John H. Grace Foundation
Jeff & Lori McBride
Lexus Matching Donation
McMaster Car Supply Company
Richard & Sally Felling
Sean Peasley
South County Lexus, Pat Lustig
Tony & Erin Spriggs
PATRON $5,000 +
Adventure Guides – Big Thunder Spirit Expedition
Adventure Guides – Mighty Wilderness Expedition
Adventure Guides – Sunshine Expedition
Chris & Christine Salas
City of Newport Beach
Jamie Pirritano
John Rochford
Judy Atwell
Junko Klaus
Renaissance Charitable Foundation
Robin & Linda Boyd
SDGE, A Sempra Energy Utility
Simpson Chevrolet
South County Lexus at Mission Viejo
Snyder Langston
Stephen Knott
Susan Bharvani
The Gabriel Foundation
The Wilson W. Phelps Foundation
United Connect Services
Active Captive Management LLC
Adventure Guides – Broken Arrow Expedition
Adventure Guides – Doheny Expedition
Adventure Guides – Friendly Shining Spirit Expedition
Adventure Guides – Rainbow Sky
Adventure Guides – Soaring Spirit Expedition
Anaheim Ducks Hockey Club, LLC
Ann Worthington
Bernard P. Novak Foundation
Buck Kamphausen
Capital Group
Chet Ossowski
Don Saulic
Fullerton Families & Friends by John Wilson Phelps
Hall Sealy
H2H Heating and Air Conditioning
Jay & Jeanice Scott
Jess Meyers
John & Ursula Kanel Foundation
John Patterson & The OC Auto Team
Juliette Meunier & Tim Cannon
Kevin & Dolores Daly
MCA Realty, Inc.
Minh Hoang
Nancy Kriz
Tanimoto Family
Tom Ngo
Versity Invest
Waste Management, Inc. – West
Yorba Linda Sunrise Rotary Club Foundation
MEMBER $1,000 +
1335 Foundation
Aiden Jimenez
Adrien Blanchi
Andrew Gowing
Andrew Pang
Applied Medical Wachli
Araceli Godoy
Arnold Feldstein
Brad & Kendra Crusco
Bridgford Family Fund
Charter Communications
Chad & Anna Romiti
Cema Perdomo
Chaz De La Rosa
Core Health and Fitness
Ching Yeen Linda Ng
Christine Snowberger
Coral Thrift Shop, Inc. Murray
Crystal Immerman
Dale Braun
Danny’s Detail
David L. New
David Werner
Debra Flores
Dorain Cassell
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Evangelical Christian Credit Union
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Frank Calabretta
Gary Roney
Glen Pierce
Green Technologies Solutions
Helen Magpayo
James Richardson
Janet Harris
Jason Tetley
Jeff Speth
Jennifer Jahnke
Jim Stanley
John Botros
John Marcon
Joseph Daruty
Joseph Liu
Kathryn Swank
Kay Bryant
Kevin Curtis
Lexus Financial Services
Linda Taylor
Mariel Sim
Mariners Physical Therapy
Matthew & Lauryn Langley
McGraw Hill
Mercy Commons Church
Michael Hahn
Michael Stephens
Mission Viejo/Saddleback Vly. Elks Lodge No. 2444
Nancy Jackson
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Oxford – Mission Viejo
Pacific Life Foundation
Patrick Madden
Philip Wilson
Prange Family
Richard Franks
Rikki Bains
Robert Braun
Robin Julien
Robin Sinclair
Rotary Club of Fullerton
Roy Jones
Ryan & Alyssa Fessler
Schwab Charitable
Servando Vera
Shahram Gheysari
Shannon Sciortino
Steve & Beth MacAller
Sung Lydon
Susan Maturino
Suzanne Espeseth
Taco Bell
Tarzy Charitable Trust
The Richard Homer Wagner Foundation
TJ & Rosanna Coveyou
Toyota Cyber Grants
Upinder Kaur
Victoria Foley
Viele and Sons
Wanda McColgan
Woman’s Club of Fullerton
Yoko Yamaguchi