$10K Donation Received from Elevation Church


YMCA of Orange County Receives $10,000 Donation from Elevation Church in Support of Essential Services and Operations During Covid-19

Orange County, Calif., (May 25, 2020) — YMCA of Orange County (YMCAOC) received a $10,000 donation from Elevation Church in support of essential services and operations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many families providing essential services require child care, including hospital staff, first responders, police officers, firefighters, military personnel, nurses, grocery store employees and others on the front lines during the pandemic. YMCAOC has stepped up to provide child care at locations across Orange County, including onsite child care for hospital staff, while following strict adherence to the Orange County Health Care Agency protocols. Funding from Elevation Church will help support these ongoing services during the pandemic to help YMCAOC meet the needs of the community.

“During this unprecedented time, we are committed to strengthening our community and fulfilling our purpose by meeting the overwhelming needs of families. Wherever there is a need, we are right there in the community to serve,” said Jeff McBride, CEO of YMCAOC. “We are so grateful for the generous support of Elevation Church for allowing us to continue offering as much support as possible to those on the front lines during the pandemic.”

In addition to county-wide child care services, YMCAOC opened its Fullerton fitness facility and invited local hospital staff to sleep and shower between shifts, while providing privacy and social distancing needed to make space available to the community’s brave medical workers.

“This is a great opportunity for us to respond and help support YMCA of Orange County with the great work they are doing for the local community during this time of need – it’s a privilege for Elevation Church that alongside the YMCA, we can share Christ’s heart for one another in this time,” said Josh Wood, National Director of Outreach for Elevation Church.

Child care locations are open Monday through Friday, 6:45 a.m. to 6 p.m. Cost of services vary depending on need and financial assistance is available. Additionally, YMCA can work with companies to provide on-site child care as needed.

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