CARES Team Helps Community Neighbor In Need


The Newport-Mesa CARES team served alongside Trellis to help a terminally ill woman named Erika this past weekend. Her father with the same terminal illness left his house to her when he passed. Her father was a hoarder and she needed some help cleaning and fixing up the house so that she is able to leave the house to her children when she passes.

When they arrived on site, this team of Y staff, members, and volunteers was exposed to a heartbreaking situation and a house that was infested with rats, bugs, feces and much more. Erika truly felt embarrassed and also a bit confused as to why complete strangers would ever volunteer to do this for a complete stranger. The team explained to Erika that this project had no strings attached and that they were happy to do it because they have received the ultimate gift.

“We as a CARES team try to share the love of Jesus by helping people in very practical ways with no strings attached.”  – CARES Team Member

Erika was not a believer 6 months ago but is now to be baptized in September.  Thank you CARES team and all those who volunteered. Your generosity, kindness, and love is truly making a difference.

If interested in volunteering and making a difference in someone’s life, please contact: Allie Jacoby at

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