A Life Changing Transformation

CategoriesFitness / News
If they would have Lemon Laws for husbands, I would have been traded in years ago!!


Because of my inactivity, walking, sitting, and standing became a struggle, specially after I stopped coaching sports and started to gain weight. For 15 years I sat on the couch watching life go bye. I started gaining weight in 2017 and after having turned 60 years, my weight ballooned to 307 pounds, the heaviest I have been in my life! After consulting with my doctor, we all agreed to start a transformation, a LIFE CHANGE YOU MAY SAY.


We started eliminating the pain and muscle relaxer medicines, however the biggest change in my life came when I joined my local YMCA. February 2017, I joined our Maple Hill YMCA, a place that welcomes us and has takien me on a journey of healthy living. As a member of my Maple Hill YMCA, the staff and other members who work out at the gym have contributed to my transformation and I look forward every day to going and working out.


I consider this odyssey a miracle and blessing in my life. I am pain free and more active than ever. I am coaching our grandson’s 8-year-old Pony baseball team, biking, hiking, swimming and enjoying life. My goal is to share my story with anyone who might be interested and in need of a little inspiration. It can be done!”


Carlos, YMCA Member

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