
Staying On Track with Goals

Staying On Track with Goals

It is that time of the year, everyone is motivated at the start of 2018 to transform their routines and bodies. At the YMCA we are excited to see our health and wellness centers full of people taking classes and using the equipment. Even more, it is exciting to see our members eager for change and to make healthy choices. At the YMCA we encourage our members to set goals, not resolutions. Resolutions are usually short-lived because they are not well thought out. Resolutions lack specifics, timeframes, and measurables. Goals give us direction and prevent us from getting sidetracked. Our personal training team at the YMCA is well trained in effective goal setting if you need our support.

One of the important things our trainers talk about with members at the beginning of a new exercise program is how to meet potential obstacles to goal success before they derail progress. These are some of the suggestions our personal training team has to share.

  1. Don’t Go It Alone– In order to make a lifelong change to your exercising and eating habits your friends, family, and co-workers need to know about your goals. Having a support system of people on your side provides great motivation to stay on track.


  1. High-Risk Situations– Write down potential risks to your routine and come up with a plan on how to deal with them beforehand. Common risks might include an upcoming vacation, a busy work week, eating out with friends, or having relatives stay over. Determine how you will handle each situation before it comes up.


  1. Don’t Lose Track Of Progress– Make a routine to regularly assess your progress with a personal trainer or even by yourself. Seeing results, like stepping on a scale weekly, is a real motivator to keeping up your healthy habits.


  1. Replace Negativity– In the past, if you have viewed eating better or exercising as a negative turn it around! Try rewarding yourself to keep your routine going, “If I work out 5 days this week I will buy myself a new workout top as a reward.” Also, try changing your outlook. “I need to work out today to lose weight” can turn into “I want to work out today because I love how I feel afterward.”

Remember, we are here to help you succeed. See you on the workout floor! #YGOALS

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